Why did we make it?
Simply Smarter
With over 30 years of data expertise, we make complex analysis simple and efficient. Traditional approaches are cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. We deliver a smarter, faster, and better way to handle data analysis, including eDiscovery, anomaly detection, and fraud detection.
Simply Better
We know data so well, it’s simple for us to do it better—and we offer that simplicity to you. After 30 years of studying data, identifying pain points, and developing targeted solutions, we’ve created a product that’s jaw-droppingly simple, intuitive, and powerful.
Simply Faster
At Simply Discover, simple is better. Our platform streamlines the data analysis process—from collection to identification—making it easier, faster, and more cost-effective. We go beyond eDiscovery by specializing in anomaly and fraud detection, setting ourselves apart in the industry.

Sometimes it takes the right group of people to rethink an industry and make a real change.
Change is here, and it's us.