Mimecast API v1 Permissions Part 2
Mimecast , Permissions
The following text is the second (and last) stage of configuring the Mimecast API v1.0 Keys for use in Simply Discover.
Mimecast as a source continued...
Hopefully you've had a break and have the will to continue. We're nearly there, it's just a few more steps to those magical little numbers.
On the previous step, you had this page appear. If it's timed out, you just need to click back on the Simply Discover API under the API v1.0 Applications to return to the off canvas screen. Except this time you are clicking Create Keys.
Follow through this wizard filling out the credentials as requested and click Next.
Almost there. Now the password and account type (typically Cloud) and click Next.
Those lovely secret numbers are now yours to use. Copy those somewhere safe.
That's all you need from the Mimecast API for now. You can plug those 4 details into Simply Discover and you're ready to go!